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Thread: Suede
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Old 02-04-2006, 11:44 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Suede

Anybody like Suede here?

I've got their debut album and love it. 'Animal Nitrate', 'So Young' and 'Pantomime Horse' are all great. I think they are quite underrated compared to other Britpop bands of the 90's like Oasis, Pulp and Blur.
"In this Catholic Club they never had the ****ing TV on and I was going, 'That Big Brother, it won't catch on. British people won't watch that ****.' And then they went, at nine o' clock, 'Shh!' and turned the telly on! It was, like, people asleep in bed. To me, I can't understand that. The encouraging thing is, 'You were right all along, Smith: people are stupid." - Mark E Smith
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