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Old 05-26-2017, 09:57 AM   #3050 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Originally Posted by OccultHawk View Post
You didn't piece together from that that it was my dad?

He almost never hit me in the face. He even told me that's how he kept from getting arrested. I'd be in the kitchen and he'd kick me in the balls or I'd be riding shotgun and he'd suddenly crack me in the chest while driving down the freeway. The same way some people routinely kick their dog. Some people grow up with getting assraped. I'm glad I didn't but you don't hear that kid screaming locked away in suburbia like you do in the city. I've spoken with people who've told me they were raped countless times as a child. I don't know who does it more or why but the stories I've heard come from people who are white not black and I actually run across a healthy mix of all kinds in life. So again, I'll say it, I don't think we really know enough to assume that blacks are more violent based on crime statistics.
Holy crap, no I did not get that. I'm genuinely sorry man. I'm not sure if anyone else got it; I was totally on another track. Sorry.
Originally Posted by OccultHawk View Post
The weakest are the most vulnerable. Vulnerability exposes you to abuse. Abuse is often physical violence. I know you're a really kindhearted person and it might seem like I'm using an emotional cheap shot to make a point. I think it shows what a good person you are that the obvious was unthinkable to you.

Jesus. Now I'm worn out before the day has even started.
Um, thanks for the compliments. Unexpected (assuming no sarcasm is intended) but welcome.
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