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Old 05-26-2017, 04:46 AM   #3043 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Originally Posted by elphenor View Post
I don't believe that either

that criminals found jesus and that's why they don't commit crimes now or something along those lines

not how it works
This always puzzles me. People seem to find Jesus in jail. Why is he in there? What has he done and should he not by now be out on good behaviour at least?
Originally Posted by OccultHawk View Post
This is only anecdotal but as a child I was frequently assaulted in a criminal manner by a white male. Had we been in a small urban apartment instead of a secluded suburban home the police would have probably been alerted to the commotion. I'd say we're talking about once every two weeks between when I was 5 to about 15 when it slowed down. Let's say ten years times 25 assaults. That makes for around 250 unprosecuted white crimes that I fell victim to. So I'm not so sure.
How can you be assaulted in a criminal manner at age five? I'm genuinely curious, cos that just sounds like bullying or harassment, which all kids go through and you would certainly not report to the police. If that's not the case, I apologise but it sounds unlikely anything criminal could be continually perpetrated on a five year old, unless it was super serious, in which case surely the cops would have been notified?
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