How odd, I was listening to versions of that Hurrian hymn non-stop last week! I came across it while searching for Sumerian (and Assyrian) music on youtube.
Originally Posted by Lisnaholic
To help this thread along, I would usually add a recommendation of my own now, but recently I've hit a bit of a dry patch with folk/world music. I haven't come across anything inspiring for a while. Sorry. 
I'm in the same situation. I require my folk music to leave me feeling as though I've been kicked in the gut (in a good way) afterward, and I've just not been finding that lately. Overall I have slightly better luck (at least in terms of not being bored to tears) with Slavic folk as well as African and middle eastern folk/blues. Warsaw Village Band (the one I showed you a while back) is the last one I found that I truly loved.
And sadly it seems a lot of freak folk veers a bit too close to forgettable coffee shop background music.