One of the secret pleasures of being a music nerd is hearing the surprise of other people when they realise what you're listening to. That happened to me while listening to JAJA - my son said, "What on earth was that music you were just playing!"
So thanks for that moment, rostasi, and thanks for uploading the JAJA tracks, which I really liked. They inspired me to look at a file of freak folk music that dankrsta posted here a while ago. A lot of the tracks in her file do a great job of conjuring up a spooky atmosphere, but then don't seem to go anywhere musically; as songs, they are about as satisfying as a cup of Monty Python tea, ("A cup of cold tea. Without milk. Or sugar. Or tea.") This track, by Fursaxa, is about the best one in her file imo:-
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Lilja: That girl's voice is excellent, and I love the way the cows - and the tinkling of the cowbells - slowly advance from the background. How will she get that effect when she's performing live I wonder? If she takes those cows on tour with her, they're really going to trash the hotel rooms.
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The pursuit for "the oldest song in the world" is pretty intriguing. Here are me, Stephen and misspoptart hot on the trail:-