Originally Posted by rostasi
I'm so angry! My state Board of Education put out some info about how they want to increase money and opportunities for more math and science education in our local schools (" Science, Technology, Engineering and Math In Secondary Education") and I'm really pissed that the proposal mostly talks about science and math. I mean, they only talk about the dire needs of the Athletics division - oh, maybe just only a third of the time! I mean, damn! Why isn't there equal representation for athletes!!! They're treated like they're some kind of second-class citizens or something!!!! I'm all for equality for all the areas of education, but the athletics department never gets the funding or even the proper attention that it so rightly deserves! I think I'll join an anti-STEM group! That'll show 'em!!!

Yeah great point dude. That's totally the same as writing legislation that specifically priorities women over men in most situations.