Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls
Except it wasn't.. We aren't trying to equate the two, we are arguing that both are violations of human rights.
Like I said earlier, murdering and breaking the speed limit are BOTH breaking the law, even though they are not closely related. Circumcisions and FGM are BOTH violations of human rights, even though they are not equal. It's really not that complicated.
At what point does a newborn baby have "human rights"? Circumcision is usually performed when a baby is less than a week old. Did I have human rights when I was 3-4 days old?
FGM is done anywhere between birth and young teenhood.
In the first case they cut off a little bit of useless skin that serves no purpose whatsoever. In the second, they cut off the clitoris. THE CLITORIS. And the majority of the vulva.
The decision by a father to have his daughter endure FGM is based on religious fanaticisim and female suppression.
Goofle and DWV, do me a favor: Go to Wiki and search "Human Rights Violation". Take ten minutes to read. Then come back and explain to me why snipping the foreskin off of a 3 day old baby brings you down so much.