Originally Posted by Frownland
If someone never has a conversation about one without bringing up the other, it suggests that they equate the two on some level. Or maybe they want to use it as reasoning to dismiss opposing opinions a la "all lives matter."
Fair point, blah
Originally Posted by Chula Vista
Isborn: The only point I was trying to make is that other than my own ballpark frank - which I see on a regular basis - the only other franks I see are via porn. And 99% are snipped. A trend is a trend is a trend.
And likewise, I've never seen a circumzised schnapper irl
Originally Posted by Chula Vista
The original conversation here steered towards trying to link male circumcism with female genital mutilation as if to equate the two to make a point about unapproved violation. That wasn't my doing. I'm just commenting on the absurdity of that.
While I don't agree with you on everything you've said, you're right about the absurdity of equating the two types of circumcision. Someone had to bring some nuance to the discussion.