Clamping something so that it dies because of lack of blood flow after 24 hours in no way resembles clamping something and then cutting it off. OK.
Sorry if I was unaware that the new age practice differs from what I witnessed first hand. Twice.
And Frowny, do you even spend a few seconds trying to comprehend my points? Or do you simply just hop on the keyboard and put on your snarky hat?
A pot shouldn't call a kettle black.
Isborn: The only point I was trying to make is that other than my own ballpark frank - which I see on a regular basis - the only other franks I see are via porn. And 99% are snipped. A trend is a trend is a trend.
The original conversation here steered towards trying to link male circumcism with female genital mutilation as if to equate the two to make a point about unapproved violation. That wasn't my doing. I'm just commenting on the absurdity of that.
My frank is freaking beautiful BTW. At least Linny thinks so. And she's spent a ton more time up close and personal with it than I have.