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Old 02-01-2006, 07:32 PM   #17 (permalink)
cardboard adolescent
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So according to the article the government is trying to prevent children from being exposed to porn? People need to relax. Some kid using google to find porn is not going to scar him permanently or turn him into a child-molesting pervert by the time he hits 30... I mean, I occasionally glanced at porn when I was a kid and I turned out.... oh ****.

In all seriousness though, this article is pretty stupid, "oh, you care when they want to know what you look for online, but not when they collect your medical information." Well, I'm not too worried about the government building up statistics about how many people have prostate cancer, only good can come out of that, but when they start wanting to know what exactly everyone is looking for online, that's a bit troublesome.

I did find it interesting that the author of the article criticized Google for refusing to go along with it though, especially when other companies like Time Warner saw how harmless it was and went along. Trust Time Warner to freely give away our personal information. Fuck AOL.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and I must be completely insane because I don't see anything wrong with libraries giving kids stacks of hard-core porn. Just so long as the kids ASK for the porn, and aren't forced to take it. They have to learn these things sooner or later.
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