is right around the corner.
do YOU know where YOUR valentine is?
I do.

use to spit upon this holiday.
I'd say to myself "it's just an excuse to feel bad about yourself if you don't have anyone to share such a holiday with".
but why not look on the bright side?
if you have a boy/girl it's a good time to .. "celebrate" your adoration for eachother.
no boy/girl, you say?
have no fear, candy is here.
valentine's day candy is just as good as a boy/girl.
but of course it's 43,957,219x times better to have
Valentine's day is just an overall .. fun holiday when you're with the right people..
boyfriends, girlfriends, friend-friends, and/or family.
whatever floats your boat.
so, the point of this flimsy thread, is;
post the picture of YOUR 2006 Valentine.
don't have one?
go ahead, lecture me about how bad the holiday is.
do it.
(he even has a vagina to fit into those pants of his)