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Old 02-01-2006, 02:16 PM   #7 (permalink)
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: US/Washington
Posts: 18


I consider myself a true blue Nirvana fan. I was 24 when he died and was really devastated and baffled. I didn't listen to them for a couple of years, but slowly got back into them.

I actually think Nevermind is the worse album that they produced. Some good songs, but songs on Insesticide and In Utero are way better (in my opinion).

I occassionally post on an Nirvana forum and on an 'introduce yourself' thread I was quite dismayed to see @ 35 I was by far the oldest one out of the 40 or so that participated on the forum. There were 13 yo kids. Couldn't believe it. But I honestly don't care who likes them and it's hard to deny that the music industry has commericialized them into oblivian. For me, it's about the passion behind Kurt's vocals/lyrics, Grohl's/Crover's/Channing's drumming, and Krist's great riffs. Made a huge impact on my life and let's face it, Nirvana killed hair metal for good (thank the good Lord for that).
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