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Old 04-24-2017, 08:58 AM   #19244 (permalink)
MB quadrant's JM Vincent
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Originally Posted by djchameleon View Post
Kate McKinnon was my favorite in this movie. I felt like she stole most scenes she was in.

I took it for what it was an entertaining modern take on an older movie. The older movies are still around to love and show off to your kids. I feel like kids may appreciate this newer one more and they will be the ones bragging to their own children about how good this movie was in nostalgia hindsight.
You may be right. To me, though, that style of humor is getting so played out. I didn't mind that it was a reboot or that the cast was female (I'm with you on Kate McKinnon - if I ever rewatch the movie, it will be because of her and she's the only reason the movie would deserve a sequel), I just thought they should have kept with the spirit of the originals. One easy thing they could have done was throw a bit more modern-day paranormal theory in there. Dan Aykroyd was a paranormal buff and incorporated actual paranormal theory into the originals. He was involved in the reboot, so I'm surprised none of that snuck in. If they covered any of the "science", it was blazed past to get to the next gag. I just felt Paul Feig didn't grasp what made the originals so special.
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