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Old 04-23-2017, 04:23 PM   #2648 (permalink)
Join Date: Aug 2012
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Originally Posted by Janszoon View Post
I'll have to check out that Gong album too. I'm in the same boat with them and Soft Machine—I like both but only own a couple albums by each.
Both bands had a trajectory that, in the end, landed in very different places than where they started out - with Gong exhibiting the most change. Soft Machine's first two albums were influenced by symbolism (with particular emphasis on the Pataphysics of Alfred Jarry) mixed with Dada elements. As members dropped out and the mood changed, there was more reliance on jazz elements and so at just about any stage of their career, there was undoubtedly someone who would suddenly scream that they were no longer "the same" - which, of course, is relative. So, you can listen in order, or jump around, with the knowledge of where the particular style that you're listening to may have come from.
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