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Old 01-30-2006, 12:48 PM   #5 (permalink)
Bright F*cking Red
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Join Date: Jan 2005
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Originally Posted by riseagainstrocks
I'm really really really slow. It's quite bothersome actually. My friends give me hell for it.

and now I stop to consider what kind of friends make fun of someone for their lack of texting skills.
hahahha, youre not alone, im slow as hell. i dont understand it though...i mean, if youre not somewhere where you can talk on the phone, texting makes sense. but if you are in a place where you can talk on the phone....why not...its much easier and faster...and in some cases cheaper too.
How'd I end up here to begin with? I don't know.
Why do I start what I can't finish?
Oh please, don't barrage me with questions to all those ugly answers.
My ego's like my stomach- it keeps shitting what I feed it.
But maybe I don't want to finish anything anymore..
maybe I can wait in bed 'til she comes home. and whispers....

Originally Posted by Shooting Star
Remember kids: It's only real metal if the vocalist sounds like he's vomiting up a fetus. \m/
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