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Old 01-29-2006, 11:36 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default sunday bloody sunday

from wikipedia:

"On Sunday January 30, 1972, in an incident since known as Bloody Sunday, 14 men and boys were shot dead (one of whom died 4 months later) and 13 others were wounded by British paratroopers after a Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association march in the Bogside area of the city of Derry, Northern Ireland. The march was organized by Derry Stormont MP Ivan Cooper to protest against internment without trial of Irishmen, predominantly Catholic, in Northern Ireland. Critics of the action asserted, as did journalists covering the event, that those shot were all unarmed."

the full article

so....on the aniversary of this tragic event, i wanted to get the inside view on the situation and position of northern ireland, we have a lot of brittish people here, i wonder how you feel about that event, how do the irish and the brits on this site feel on the goings on in northern ireland, about the possible unification of the two republics, on the struggles and agendas of the nationalists and the loyalist. do you even care?

although i don't have a deep insight into the situation, i feel that northern ireland is an unnatural creation and one day i hope that it will be reunited the republic of ireland. i'm of catholic descent and so i side with the nationalists ( catholic ).

discuss....enlighten me.....
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