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Old 01-28-2006, 10:45 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Nova Metalfest Report!

I showed up the Francis before doors opened, met up with some of my West VA friends and went inside

here are the bands I saw and how awesome/not good they were:

The Jacob Spindle - Random ****. I dug it, but BREEE is getting over done.

Buried Among Us - My old band and they're still amazing. They had close to 200 people watching them on the second stage and the dancing was awesome. Great band, check them out nigga.

Despised Icon - They're decent but whats really cool is I met the "hardcore" screamer (they have two vocalist). He drummed for Neuraxis on "Truth Beyond". ****ing amazing album. But DI is cool, but only live. I can't see myself getting into the recordings much

Adonis Decay - ****ing blows.

Ed Gein: Lunch Break

The Burning Season - Only song I know is Pick Up The Pieces. Which is a tight song. The rest suck. So...yeah. they're not very good.

Black My Heart - Francis and I went and met up with his friend Matt. he's tight. we talked about how bad Black My Heart is and how much we were looking forward to:

THROUGH THE EYES OF THE DEAD - Amazing set. They opened with Intro into 2 Inches From a Main Artery. ****ing woah. that song is killer live. They played With Eyes Ever Turned Inward, The Truest Shade of Crimson and Beneath Dying Skies but I forget the order.

We Were Gentlemen - Definitly suprised me. Solid stuff. The singer is scene as hell but he screams awesome. Rest of the band was solid as well. Injected some much need gang chorus hardcore into the preceedings.

REFLUX - Lemme just say that Tosin Abasi is a ****ing god. I have never seen so much wank guitar playing. ever. They had some tech difficulties, so Tosin and the bassist played the sickest instrumental. Shredskins indeed. The set was awesome, I'd tell you the songs, but I just picked up the cd and don't know them yet. Point being, they need to tour with BTBAM and PsyOpus. Shredfest '06. word. and I met Tosin. He's so ****ing cool.

ABACABB - One word. Disappointing. They shouldn't have reformed. I mean it's cool to hear "21 Gun Salute (or a Firing Squad)" live, but their hearts weren't really in it. so it was cool, but not to the level i had hoped.

A Life Once Lost - They came out late, but it was worth it. Pain & Panic, Needleman, Hunter, and VULTURE! and ****ing Randy Blythe (of Lamb of God dumbass) came out on Vulture. I WILL HAUNT YOU, TILL YOU DIE! Dude, so ****ing metal.

August Burns Red - I saw two songs. I was far to tired to move, so I chilled with Tim Roskie of BAU in the back. I was waiting for "Soundtrack To Her Awakening" but since it's an old song, I knew it wasn't coming. Oh well.

**** On Broken Wings. I hate them.

these weren't in the right order exactly, but I got the **** beat outta me, busted lip, i seriously twisted my ankle, and i got punched square in the face at least 4 times. but it was so worth it. I'm stoked for next year!

and they're making a DVD, I'm quoted 3 times on tape: A) saying how i'm here to see ALOL, B) Me praising BAU and saying sign them now mother****er, C) screaming at Tosin, "**** ME!"
One note timeless, came out of nowhere...
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