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Old 03-16-2017, 12:35 PM   #2 (permalink)
mayor of spookytown
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Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 812

^ I like it, grindy.

Apologies for the delayed reply, Lisnaholic; I've been in a bit of a folk music rut (and on a 1950s music kick again as usual) but your selections were great as usual. I find non-American (north American that is) folk to almost always be better nowadays (with the exception of the French Canadian stuff); I'm not sure why that is. Cajun music can certainly be interesting, though.

I liked Hailu Mergia especially; I can imagine this playing in a 1970s opium den. (Also, I wish I had the energy of the dancing girl in the first video.)

No, I don't play any instruments at all, so I would indeed be starting from scratch.
What are your music-finding sources, by the way? If you have a main one, I mean.

Oh, and Cat Power is merely okay (not at all folksy, really) though her voice is kind of sultry and nice. It seems incredibly rare to stumble upon singer-songwriter vaguely-folksy indie artists that are truly memorable and don't just mumble over mournful guitar melodies. (Though I've ranted about that already.)

I found these when aimlessly poking around youtube the other day; have you heard of them? They're a Polish quartet:

^ different name, but same group.

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