Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre
****ing kids always gotta ruin everything. And they are gross and they smell bad and they are annoying and they break **** and they always make a mess and they don't know how to appreciate things. I really don't get why we have pedophiles.
^I say **** like that so my relationships don't last long.
I only really liked two chicks. One that I was in a relationship with for almost a year, I'm guessing, who just cut me off when I got really manic and started saying crazy ****. And this other chick that sang to me twice. But I didn't realize I liked her til later. One small bit of the influence that sent me on a manic mood where I started saying and doing crazy **** again. I really gotta stop doing and saying crazy ****. I'm diagnosed with bipolar and manic depression which I guess you technically can't be bipolar with out manic depression and it puts me in dark moods and emotions and feelings and I don't know how to handle my emotions and feelings like a responsible adult so I do and say crazy ****. I should work on that, maybe. One of these days.
She probably just thought you were ****ing ugly.