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Thread: Littering
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Old 03-02-2017, 01:27 PM   #7 (permalink)
mayor of spookytown
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I find it equally irritating, particularly when people litter in the ONE PARK in my town that actually has a proper forest--small though it may be-- and trails. (I've been going there since I was a child, so I become infuriated when people leave piles of trash in my favorite clearing or spray paint one of my favorite trees) Or when they leave beer bottles in creeks and rivers, or anything which could possibly be dangerous for all the little critters and duck families. I never manage to catch those who do it-- and the litter is often in places which seem impossible to get to (heavier things that can't be blown by the wind even), so perhaps there's some litterbug cryptids out there.

However, many people are simply considerate regardless of where they are. I do always pick up what I what I see, though (seeing as it takes very little effort to do so.), while trying my best not to mutter and grumble about it. I have been accused of being the Fern Gully of suburbia. (Once I mistakenly thought that they had torn down the trees around my favorite clearing-- they were doing construction nearby, and I couldn't quite see what exactly-- and I had a brief crying fit about it.)
I notice that many people who litter everywhere constantly also tend to do similar things to their indoor environments-- and it all seems to come back to being generally inconsiderate and seeing every place as an extension of their bubble of squalor.

Of course, oftentimes it's children and teenagers doing the littering-- and every time, their parents don't seem to bat an eye or tell them otherwise, so I suppose many continue doing it out of habit even when there is a trash can a mere five feet away.
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