Not meant to be taken as a defense of littering, as it certainly is poor behavior, but surely referring to littering as the "ultimate contempt for the planet and your fellow humans" is an exaggeration. It would be laughable to compare the impact of tossing a bottle into the street to burning down massive rain forest habitats in the name of industry, or any of the other far more significant environmental sins of Corporation X or Y. Correcting some dick's litter by picking it up and throwing it into a nearby trash bin is an undeserved burden, but it is still an easy task, and plenty of people do pick up after others without a second thought. That's not to say we should all litter because somebody else will deal with it, but I'm hardly losing sleep over somebody tossing their McDonald's cheeseburger wrapper out their window, I'm not going to demand they be thrown in the slammer over it, at the most I'll call them a cocksucker and throw it in the trash myself.
Originally Posted by Bobbycob
There's 3 reason why the Rolling Stones are better. I'm going to list them here. 1. Jimi Hendrix from Rolling Stones was a better guitarist then Jimmy Page 2. The bassist from Rolling Stones isn't dead 3. Rolling Stobes wrote Stairway to Heaven and The Ocean so we all know they are superior here.