Originally Posted by Chula Vista
Wait a minute, isn't the rule of MB that just because something is popular doesn't automatically mean it's good. Also, it only ranks 66th for 2007 US grosses.
Over on Rotten Tomatoes it's got a 91% rating from critics and a 86% rating from fans. On IMDB it's got an 81% rating. So I'm not alone.
No Country for Old Men, also from 2007, justifyably beat it out for both Best Picture and Best Director at the Oscars. TWBB also lost both of those awards at The Golden Globes. No doubt it's an epic tale. I just don't think it's a great movie.
You won't get any argument from me on No Country its fantastic. The thing to remember about TWBB is that is was shown in half the theaters that No Country and big budget movies were shown in. I was highlighting the fact it was in limited theaters and still had a wide audience base. The MB rules for sellouts always applies.