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Old 02-25-2017, 05:05 PM   #1 (permalink)
mayor of spookytown
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Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 812

Wonderful! Two of my favorite instruments. I've heard of Old Crow Medicine Show (and your selection was lovely), but not the rest! French Canadian folk is something I really must delve into more often, apparently.

(Do you play any instruments by the way? I've been dying to learn either the dulcimer or pixie harp. In my head I am part of a very successful Tom Waits/Moondog cover band, you see.)

Speaking of fiddles-- I discovered Laura Cannell recently and have been blown away to smithereens. Very romantic and haunting; you can definitely hear the medieval folk inspiration/influence:

She also utilizes a technique called over-bowing that I'm reading about now in her interview on The Quietus: The Quietus | Features | In Extremis | Fragments Of Fragments: An Interview With Laura Cannell

And I stumbled across this one just now earlier while seeking out more Mexican, Spanish and south American folk-- it's startlingly beautiful:

I have not even skimmed the surface of her catalog, so I can't say whether I recommend it, but she has such a pure and lovely voice.

Oh, and here's one more Hurray for the Riff Raff song! I really love the dive-bar-in-the-deep-south feel of this one:

Her voice reminds me a little bit of Cat Power.
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