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Old 01-27-2006, 08:33 AM   #36 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by babakeatwix
I'm sorry that my post has caused such a commotion. I simply stated my opinion and I'm sorry if it has clashed with yours. The truth is that I don't dicscriminate ghays or anything but I don't like the concept of the same sex taking interest in each other. Plus I never stated that I voted in the election.
What does them getting married have anything to do with them "taking intrest" in each other? Whether they are married or not, they will still "have intrest" in each other, hence why they are getting married. Even if they aren't allowed to get married, they will still love each other, your argument makes no sense

Originally Posted by PTS
we're saying that we voted "bush/kerry" on the above poll...not in actualll voting polls. why must you take everything to that level?
I am not taking it to any level. I just think that it is silly that 15 year olds ( I am 15 ) think that their opinion holds any clout in politics
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