Originally Posted by Chula Vista
Watched it when it first came out in a theater on acid. Also saw Close Encounters in a theater (no acid).
I just think Arrival handles the whole concept of what an actual first encounter with an alien species might be like. Contact is right up there too.
Don't get me wrong, I love Arrival, but personally I feel the quintessential alien film is the one that scared the sh*t out of me and made me realize how a film can be so good and not really do too much in the way of action or crazy special effects. Suspense is built on the fear of the unknown and showing the creature that we're to be afraid of a little as possible while still keeping the film engaging and intense is a huge accomplishment. It's part of the reason why Jaws is my favorite movie of all time. That and I just love horror movies that utilize practical effects. The late 70's and 80's were a goldmine for this. It's part of the reason why even though I enjoy Jurassic Park, I feel like it ushered in the era of computer effects and the slow demise of animatronics, costumes, fake blood, paper mache, and a lot of doobies smoked by the make up team.