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Thread: 2007 draft
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Old 01-26-2006, 08:56 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Sorry, you are wrong crimepartner. Why don't you come up with your own thoughts instead of recycling crap you hear from your high school history teacher.

Secondly, nothing the other members brought up has ANYTHING to do with bias. You can't even spell bias, let alone talk about it intelligently. Why don't you tell us some facts?

Every powerful empire in history has had the idea (usually the FACT) that they are the best and most powerful, would you like to know why? Because they are. Right now, America is the most powerful nation in the world. It's not bragging. It's not us thinking we are better because we are most powerful. It is the simple fact that we are the most powerful. I like how you tried to tie us in with the Nazis, good job sucking at life.

Take your pseudo-intellectualism and get the hell out of here. You can't even defend your side of the argument with any credibility. You might want to wait until you have high school history again so you can tell us what your lower-middle class teacher thinks about his place in society. I hate people like you. Please, jump off of a bridge.
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