Originally Posted by Chiomara
Glad you liked it!  I've been trying to find more lively, jaunty folk lately. (As opposed to the soft dreamy sort that seems to be more prevalent. Oh, but speaking of which, there's this group called Arborea that's actually done some lovely covers of Tim Buckley songs and the like.)
Yes, I generally prefer good robust folk music too. When CD-quality reproduction was still a novelty, the band Clannad generated a mini Brit folk revival but they mainly made popular "the soft dreamy sort" unfortunately...
Wonderful thread you linked; the videos in that first post are all fantastic (I'll post in it later for sure!) I do wish that sub-forum was more active, since it seems everyone who posts in it has excellent taste.
^ I'd be nice if you did, Chiomara. I love to see threads bumped - especially my own

And now I'll share this-- it's not folk per se but seeing as she was Nick Drake's mother, I feel it counts:
^ So strange that we can now all listen to Molly Drake songs, after decades of complete obscurity. The one you've chosen is really charming, and shares a lot with Nick Drake's own style, doesn't it? I'm thinking of the delicate melancholy, the detailed observations of nature, and the way she links them to her own emotions. Nice.