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Old 01-26-2006, 08:05 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Actually, a pratical alternative for automotive fuel sources is hydrogen, which sounds deangerous but I suppose its no less flamable than gasoline.

The fact is, as China barrels down on super power statues they increase their oil consumption by 60% each year. What I think everyone is worried about is no more oil-based combustible fuel. While I don't know how vital oil is to the eco system (though I'll assume not so much as its miles below the sea bed and top soil) I'd like to see a future where everything related to oil (and its power) is gone. There will be no more giant oil companies, middle-east dynasties, and their will be far less polution. Getting things places will be horrid for awhile, but in close vacinity, ride a bike. I do, even now when its 4 degree's here. Yes it's terrible but maybe we'd all be better off without oil.

Thats just my 2 cents.
I've moved to a new address
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