Originally Posted by The_Juke
I think he is a very talented man. He is not over rated; the Rap Community is over rated. Will Smith turned away from main stream rap and did it his way and it worked. No Guns, No Crime, No Cursing just good music with a catchy rime. All the rappers hate him for it but he still has everything they have and more. Fact is they are just jealous that he gets all the press that he does. They get plenty of press, to bad its usually in the form of a homicide news story. Oh and I want my OLD MTV back!
On our show we always wish happy birthdays. Rappers are congratulated for achieving/approaching middle age with out getting shot.
You just highlight a good point. He's on of the last old school rapper. No Guns, No Crime, No Cursing... Not a member of the ''gangsta'' gimmick if I can tell that. He got also a good appearence outside of the stage.
Like a phoenix ignition, like a crematorium
Like a swelling volition, from the barrel of a gun
From the ashes and the embers, like a rocket I'll ascend
Like a cry gone up for a fallen friend