Tfw the shuttles are begin to separate while a young husband and wife were aboard the opposite ship, and the airlock chamber connecting them is quickly going to collapse and unlatch the ships, and the weeping husband runs into the chamber to tell his wife he loves her one last time, and with his hands pressed against the glass the chamber dissipates and he is catapulted into a cold spot in space that doesn't kill him, but actually makes it so that he never even existed. The timeline reassembles into the universe where he never lived, but his wife is left with a feeling of unexplained affection, but also no feeling of grief, a token from the husband to keep her happy in her life, as the husband never came to love this woman so much just to leave so soon, and the horrible pain of loss hasn't stricken her.
Originally Posted by Oriphiel
Hmm, what's this in my pocket?
*epic guitar solo blasts into my face*