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Old 01-30-2017, 12:24 PM   #1 (permalink)
mayor of spookytown
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Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 812

Dreamed I was in Iran in a large, crowded restaurant. I sat down in the back, and a few tables away I saw an ex sitting there. I was then distracted by this man (who might have been a ghost? A dream ghost..??) who starting walking toward me--he was the most beautiful person I'd ever seen, with short wavy dark hair and dark eyes and I stared adoringly while my ex watched this and smiled in a bemused way and nodded as if to say "Go ahead." I wandered off and found this woman (chubby and petite, blonde, too-tight ponytail) who was frantically clutching a piece of paper. She wouldn't talk. I told her something like, "It's ok, you can show me what's on it; I was thinking of it just yesterday and we've both been here before." She showed me and all it said was "South Carolina". My ex was suddenly behind me and he pointed at the paper and practically leaped for joy, and I was thrilled as well for some reason. I told him, "I dreamed this before." The woman seemed to be calmer now.
I don't remember the rest but right before it ended I was in a field with an old Victorian four-post wooden bed sitting in the center of it. There were bloody hand prints on the front two banisters. Then I woke up with Nick Cave & The Bad Seed's "I Let Love In" in my head so that's a bit ominous.
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