Jan. 29
August Burns Red - Found In Far Away Places (2015)
It's been a while, but I can still understand what they are saying for the most part! Not that it matters cause I listen to this stuff more for the music. This was a pretty sweet album. Idk which one of the 50 billion metal genres Batlord would throw this in so I'll just call it metalcore/screamo to give ya'll a ballpark of what to expect if you do check it out.
Cryptic Wisdom - X's & O's (2014)
Mainly a hiphop dude, but he makes an attempt to sing and he's aight. His raspy voice has actually grown on me. This is the first time I've sat down and listened to an entire album of his. I thought it was pretty cool. Lyrical content is often dark and depressing, and there are some metal elements mixed with the hiphop and singing. This album actually caught me off guard, I was expecting to hear a lot of the same over and over with different lyrics, but there was a good amount of variety.
BOY - Mutual Friends (2011)
Clicked for the cute girl with beautiful eyes.. Stayed for the relaxing sounds and nice voices. Nice mix of slow and upbeat songs. I kinda wish I listened to the acoustic version, I'll have to go back and do that soon.