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Old 01-24-2017, 02:39 PM   #87 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Frownland View Post
No wave
Post punk
2 tone
jazz punk
pop punk

There are a couple of punk subgenres.
I'm still struggling with what defines them as 'punk' as opposed to 'rock'. That's the question that has to answered for this argument to be settled. Is punk defined along musical lines? Or is it lyrics and ethos? Can't say I'm familiar with 'No wave', '2 tone' or 'crunkcore' but all the others are easily classified as rock music. Truly not trying to be difficult here. I've gone through this thread and no one is defining what they think the punk sound is (outside of a conversation about downstrokes). I think we need more clarity and distance between 'punk' and 'rock', otherwise it's going to keep being 'u.' 'no u.' 'no u!'

Originally Posted by elphenor View Post

let me explain this again

Punk Rock is amateur unprofessional lofi dissonant Rock

Surf Punk is amateur unprofessional lofi dissonant Surf Rock

Politics does not necessarily have anything to do with punk first wave punk was barely coherently political beyond the DIY ethos
Sorry, didn't see this if you had explained it earlier.

So what you're saying is production values define punk rock? Or the professionalism of the musicians?
One note timeless, came out of nowhere...
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