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Thread: Ode, to Sharky
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Old 01-25-2006, 10:45 PM   #3 (permalink)
The Wetter The Better!!
Join Date: Aug 2005
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Originally Posted by Sharky
Just for the hell of it, I'm going to rip your post apart. I'm sure nobody will care much, since both this thread and your account are probably headed for deletion.

You've been looking at my body you pervert.

Harry potter has round glasses, I have rectangular glasses. If you're going to pretend you had a good look at the photo, at least pretend to be observant too.

Yes I'd be inclined to agree with you there. You definately bitch.

Satire! I have satire! Run, don't walk, I can do satire!

It's a shame that you aren't smart enough to work out how to spell "too".

No thanks, I'm busy beating you up.

"We" yeah, who is "We"? OH I see, you speak on behalf of the little green men who live in your fingers.

I take my comment about not pretending to be observant. You're very observant.

Or maybe I could just stitch your face to your scrotum instead?

I can't speak for them, but I sure am enjoying teaching you a lesson.

Oh wow man, you make me look like a total fool! (oh but surely I don't need you for that right??) There I was thinking you were about as negative as hydrogen in its antimatter analogue, when all along you're as positive as a stable ion!

Oh thanks so much for revealing to me my true sexual identity!

Well you better do what he says otherwise he might shove his wand up your @ss and poke an eye out.

Don't kid yourself, you learned about as much as George Bush did on WMDs in Iraq.

Sorry, no can do. I'm dead. I died as a result of my spacesuit running out of oxygen while exploring the hard vacuum of your hollow skull. I'm actually typing from beyond right now.

Theres the difference between me and you. What I do blows your mind. What you do just blows.

Aww gawsh.

Some people do get confused when they see a 176 x 144 pixel, low quality webcam picture. They think that I'm a boy because I have short hair.

In a way it's very similar to the way you accidentally thought you knew what you were talking about.

You think I'm a boy. Really? I didn't realise you were capable of independant thought.

I would like to personally spearhead the campaign to bring back Sharkey, for the sole reason that this post made me laugh
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