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Old 01-25-2006, 03:36 PM   #159 (permalink)
Shooting Star
Music Addict
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Originally Posted by adidasss
i debased an entire genre...yes, death metal, if your comment was supposed to mean that i shouldn't discard every band that is labeled as death metal, all i can say, and why is that? if there is one genre in this world that is pretty unique and standard in sound, i think it's death metal, and i don't like it....

and putting iron maiden over coldplay, yes, any fact, i'd put bon jovi over iron maiden.....and that's saying something.....

now go play dungeons and dragons kid....
Yes, you debased an entire genre. This is what we call generalization/stereotyping/bias. Because you've heard some death metal you dislike, if all death metal you've heard you dislike, it doesn't mean the entire genre must be bad. There is always a chance you'll discover a band in said genre that you like, if you keep an open mind. It's like saying every black man you've ever met has tried to steal from you, therefore the entire black race is evil.

And now you're into your own opinion about Iron Maiden, ignoring things that can be objectively described such as musicianship or originality. I'm glad you have your own opinion about things but frankly I can argue why Iron Maiden is much better than Bon Jovi or Coldplay easily.

And no, I won't go play Dungeons and Dragons. I don't know how to play, I don't own any of the necessary things to play, and I don't know anyone who does play. Good day.
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