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Thread: Home-schooling
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Old 01-05-2017, 08:36 PM   #9 (permalink)
Remember the underscore
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So I'll spill some background on myself:

I've done both. I was home-schooled until elementary, then I went to high school. But I dropped out this year and I'm back at home. Here's why.

The emphasis at my school was not on understanding a subject. It was on rote learning enough to pass tests (with cheating and grade inflation, of course), then forgetting it all until exam time when everyone panics. Some teachers were better than others, but I found it frustrating and boring.

So I got my parents to sign off on going back to home-schooling. I teach myself now, and I can say that, while it's very challenging sometimes, I understand stuff way better, I have more time to pursue what I'm interested in, and and my grades are better, even though I'm taking courses that are above my grade level. Counter-intuitively, I also have a much better social life than I did while in school.

(FYI, religion has absolutely nothing to do with it. I'm agnostic.)

So, obviously I'm a fan.


I have met people who are getting an absolute crap education, who can't compose basic English or multiply fractions. Hence my "under the right circumstances" vote.
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