Originally Posted by Trollheart
End result: What in the sacred name of Peter Gabriel has happened here? I fully expected, intended to hate this, and while I don't love it it certainly was not the torture I had expected. I don't think there was one track I didn't enjoy; the lyrics, while often totally ludicrous and forcing words to rhyme, were usually quite funny and the music, dare I say it, was okay. Having read about the concept of the Dark Carnival, I'm a little disappointed they didn't really use it to its best; it kind of peeped in over the edges, but had I not read up on them and about it I would not have seen any concept going through this album. It's a pity it couldn't have linked things in better. As it is though, really amazed by how much I didn't hate it.
Yeah they rarely go into the Dark Carnival thing beyond the album intros, which always felt like a wasted opportunity to me too, but sometimes they do. Really they're just a repurposed gangsta rap group though.
Originally Posted by Frownland
Do you need any more evidence that ICP is ****e, Batlord?
Shut up. Just... shut up.