Originally Posted by boo boo
I liked the saturday night fever soundtrack a lot, mock me all you want, i dont care /
You know, when this came out, I professed to hate it, being a classic rock fan. (well, at the time, it was current rock,LOL) But, I secretly thought it was a brilliant album. Well crafted, musically sound. Plus, you could dance to it. (Not that I would have been caught dead dancing, with my Aerosmith concert tee and all. LOL)
As far as good soundtracks, Jesus Christ Superstar in very good. Interesting musically, and very diverse in content. A good listen.
As far as the soundtrack to my life, heck, I wouldn't know where to begin. I know there'd be a lot of KISS, Ted Nugent, Aerosmith (pre-MTV), and the like. It's what I cut my musical teeth on.