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Old 12-07-2016, 05:14 PM   #297 (permalink)
Jacob Sartorius
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Originally Posted by djchameleon View Post
No way would Frown's creation get radioplay/that amount of exposure.

The more niche generals aren't as popular as you think it is though. Being inside the music nerd bubble you think that niche genres get more play than they actually do
Here's the problem DJ. You're on a music site that's modded by an Avant-Garde obsessed individual, the sites most popular member listens to extreme metal, and the most popular artist on the site has multiple projects for different kinds of music, none of which you could call mainstream.

If I'm in a conversation with our average music listener and the person says today's music I will assume that individual means what's on the radio. But being on this site, we're not in a conversation with your average music listener. So it seems kind of ridiculous that a moderator of this site would say today's music and not mean it as in music being made/listened to today.
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