Originally Posted by djchameleon
She held onto stuff so it wasn't really that little argument that sent her over the edge, it was definitely other things you have said to her over time and she just like bottles it up sort of and unleashes it. She was a strong independent woman but that isn't taken lightly around these parts. She was absolutely gorgeous too.
I really wasn't that mean to her before that though. I'm not really a mean person. Dee, I respect the fact that you're defending your friend but you have to respect the fact that we only saw one side of her towards the end of her run here compared to other sides you've seen and that side was batsh*t crazy. I hope she's doing well and hope she's happy but let's call a spade a spade and agree that we're not assh*les for reacting to her crazy rants accordingly.
Originally Posted by The Batlord
Because she was a screaming banshee of cray cray. Stop white knighting for a chick that could handle herself.
This is a more crass version of how I feel.