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Old 11-29-2016, 04:18 PM   #151 (permalink)
Black Francis
Out of Place
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For the most part I don't like reviewing popular games that have been reviewed to death but in some cases where I really like the game I make an exception but instead of regurgitating what other reviewers have said, when I do review a game like this I'm gonna be talking about my personal feelings/experience from the game instead of reviewing the game's story. Such is the case with this game.

Super Metroid (Snes)

Let's start from the beginning. That intro.. talk about setting the tone for a game. Not only do that intro sums up the previous games but its cinematic approach lets you know they were taking the metroid formula to the next level right away. The visuals and the music choice was so perfect and well crafted it it is one of the most memorable intro of the snes.

Your game starts by returning to the Ceres Space Colony when Samus picks up a distress signal coming from there. That's the place where she left the Metroid larva with the scientist from the intro. One thing about that first mission is that it is kinda similar to the first mission in A link to the past in the sense that first mission feels like the last mission of the game. It's sorta like they throw you in the last mission of the previous nes games to then give you a fresh start in a new one. Castlevania: Symphony of Darkness does this too. In this game though that first mission is also a silent tutorial level and a well crafted one at that. Even kids today who are too used to learning how to play through tutorials that hold their hands every step of the way can learn how to play the game without the game ever needing to use a text bubble to tell you exactly what to do.

(This vid is a testament to how well this game was programmed)

Another thing that is great about this game is how agile Samus feels. She's fast and athletic and just a treat to control and that's before she even gets her cool power ups which turns her into a beast. It's great they give you such an agile character because that makes exploring the world a lot more fun and this game has a great world full of secrets that are revealed to you as you progress and backtrack through the game. The music through out the game goes on par with the visuals to create a sense of isolation and eeriness through out your whole adventure and again it's so well crafted it just feels like a natural fit.

I never actually owned this game but a childhood friend did and he used to lend it to me all the time, I think I passed this game like 3 times and for awhile him and me knew it so well we could've written a strategy guide for it but that was a long time ago, now what I remember from it is not all the details in the story but rather my experience from playing it and if you played the game too back in the snes days chances are this game caused quite an impact on you too because there's really no other game like it in the Snes. I can't think of another Snes game that perfectly captured that Sci-fi ambience
with such graphical limitations and this game still holds up today as great game.

I could tell you how getting the grappling hook was awesome and when you got the speed power up and the freeze laser and all that cool sh*t but chances are you probably played this game and already know just awesome it is so I guess this is more of a shoutout to the game than it is a review lol

Oh, the last thing I wanna say about this game is that speed runners have found a way to completely break it. Don't ask me how they did this sh*t but they found a section in the game that has a glitch that takes you to the end of the game but to do it you gotta navigate through an invisible section through sound alone.

(The glitch starts around the 14:10 mark)

How did someone discover this? I have no f*ckin idea.
"Hey Kids you got to meet the MIGHTY PIXIES!"

Last edited by Black Francis; 11-29-2016 at 06:26 PM.
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