Now that I don't got a cap limit I'm gonna revive this journal soon.
Originally Posted by JGuy Grungeman
This is the first time I've seen such a good review for a Digimon game. Also, Digimon 4 life. And this guy:

Thnx man, I don't really follow the digimon series but I really like that game.
Originally Posted by Cenotaph
Panzer Dragoon Saga (1998) for the Sega Saturn.
Easily one of the most innovative and beautiful RPGs of the 32-bit era.
It has a rather unique battle system and a setting seemingly out of Arzach. Add in a bit of Arthur C. Clarke and a cast of morally ambiguous character, and you have a mature, well-developed masterpiece of interactive media.
It's definitely one of my favorite video games of all time— up there with Earthbound and Virtue's Last Reward.
Panzer Dragoon is an RPG? I didn't know that, I thought it was a shooter. Did you ever get to play Guardian Heroes? That's the best Saturn game I've ever played.