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Thread: Just The Greats
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Old 11-26-2016, 01:45 PM   #9 (permalink)
Black Francis
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Originally Posted by 1blankmind View Post
Yeah. But my Nirvana obsession let's me know about them as a band to creepy amounts. If R.E.M. is considered important in that as well, I've never heard anything about it. Always seemed like they were a band that finally found success thanks to the alt. boom in the 90s rather than help shape the genre or help with its mainstream success.
That's kinda how I see Nirvana too. What innovation can you credit to Nirvana in alternative music? Cause I luv Nirvana but apart from them popularizing the loud quiet loud formula they said they stole from the pixies and I don't see how they innovated alternative much.

From my perspective R.E.M was the first band I noticed that popularized alternative college rock. I see them as the band that opened the door for that genre but with Nirvana they sorta opened the door for grunge not alternative. Oddly enough I do see Nirvana more as an alternative band than a grunge one but I think their sound is more isolated and secluded regarding its influence on alternative. I could be wrong but the only bands I know that found similar success using a similar sound are Bush and Silver Chair.
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