Originally Posted by ArtistInTheAmbulance
^^ Heh thats the one. Theres nowt on tv to watch if youre hooked on these, nothing else compares. Apart from Malcom in the Middle, but I have to pretend I dont watch that cause Im sposed to be past that stage by now...
And Murder Junkie : Go home. =)
Jess: Go borrow the first series off of someone , an watch it from beginning to end, its so good and addictive  It gets even better in series 2, tis crazy.
I have a horrible feeling I might get sick of it all soon though. My media studies teacher [whose practically a TV addict and blames it on her job] is seriously obsessive and insists on talking about it all non stop. Heh, she thinks King Kong is in the jungle, she keeps asking me if shes right. Bless.
Omg I can't wait for second season, don't tell me anything about it though! We get programmes way later in NZ which really bites. I can't wait for season 3 of the O.C!!!
I miss Boon, he was sexy.