Originally Posted by Paedantic Basterd
Do you feel that pre-emptive wisdom tooth extraction or tonsilectomies are also in the territory of parental decision-making rather than medical opinion?
The ultimate point, I believe, is why cause unnecessary pain to a child? If he's 15 and his foreskin is too tight for his dick, okay, sign him up. But it's unnecessary as a preemptive strike against some sort of uncommon, maybe-unhygienic, treatable infection.
Because no one remembers the pain and it's safer to do on a baby. I will say as someone has had 4 throat infections and will probably need his tonsils removed, I wish they had have already been removed. I would need to read studies on the risk/benefit to really have an opinion of that though, whereas the information for pros and cons of circumcision can be found easily. Whether everyone chooses to believe it is up to them.