Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre
I'm not going to cry if people think I suck or think I shouldn't make music or think I'm an abomination upon the earth. I like what I do, that's all that matters. I share it because I know that if I like it there has to be a fan base and this being my passion I want it to be a career. I give a **** about gaining fans, but I don't give a **** about people hating it because you have to expect hate no matter what. So grow up.
Unsurprisingly you missed my entire point. I'm not being a whiny bitch about negative feedback. My job is chock full of it. What I hate is when people base an artists talent from one song. That's barely giving the artist a fair shot. I also don't see how it makes a difference if someone records in a studio or not. I've said that to you that it means nothing to me. Stop assuming I'm whining when all I'm saying is if people want feedback, that's why they post here.