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Old 10-29-2016, 02:06 PM   #11 (permalink)
Jacob Sartorius
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Join Date: May 2016
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The new albums official cover.

1. Waste of Space
2. Words Can't Hurt You
3. Meaningless Control
4. Whatever Happened to Alan Smithee?
5. Yellow (Ft. Don Belanger)
6. Sugar and Cocaine (ft. SNZZZOV*EN)
7. The Pope Lick Monster
8. Sorrow Filled Masturbation
9. Why Do You Haunt Me?
10. Soryu (ft. #####)
11. [Untittled]

@Ki @Tristan Geoff, message me and let me know what links to use for your guys' music. And am I using the right artist name for you?
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