Originally Posted by The Batlord
We need more hot Asian chicks though.
Move to the west coast, there are lots here, particularly in Vancouver and San Francisco. If you marry an Asian woman chances are your offspring will have a higher IQ, and you'll have to worry less about social security cheques when your older, jk

They actually haven't determined what percentage of IQ is heritable or cultural/environmental. (Studies cite anywhere from 40 to 80%), nor the reliability of IQ tests to quantify that nebulous term we call intelligence.
Take in mind when they are calculating the average IQ of people living within a country it is just a sample of the mean. A child in the UK with parents with heritage from India just scored off the charts at 162. Higher than Stephen Hawkings!
‘I’m smarter than Stephen Hawking!’: Ilford schoolgirl shocked by IQ test results - News - Ilford Recorder
The average IQ in India is 82, and as a developing nation with lots of poverty you can only imagine that a lot of this has to do with environmental factors.