Originally Posted by Ki
Here's the overall deal so we can drop this once and for all, because quite frankly I'm annoyed it even went this far, and I'm to blame for it:
WhateverDude has been doing this for years, I've been at this forum since 2006, and ever since he joined, I've not seen one single positive thing come out of his mouth. Not one! People can defend them all they want about his mental illness, but I deal with it as well, except I'm not vocal about it. You know why? Because I don't feel that going to an online forum with strangers and ranting to them is in any form access to a positive outlook on life. I deal with schizophrenia and anxiety much like a lot of people, but this is literally one of the few times you all know about that, and I plan to keep it that way.
I spoke my mind about WD because I want him to use his time for better, not coming here complaining about things that nobody gives a **** about in the long run. He needs to better his life much like I have been doing with my job and exercising every day to reduce the stress and anxiety that I deal with and have dealt with since I was a kid.
He can make people believe he has it all that bad, but there is so much more that I can pile on that would make people feel bad for me, but I don't go there, because it's nobody ****ing business.
Any further comments in here will be ignored by me, but I wanted my final say before you all think i'm an *******. I spoke my mind, grow the **** up.
I do agree with much of this, I must admit. I usually find myself on here for the same reasons you seem to be: the music, yes, but love the banter. I don't take it seriously and I know you don't either, and I know you keep as much of your personal stuff private, as do I. I respect that, Ki. There's a reason I compartmentalize my feelings on open forums. And while I think it's unwise for WD to just shoot off at the mouth, it does seem to be a cry for help, like no one he knows in real life cares enough to help him get the help he needs. It just saddens me, and it irks me to see people bully him for it. If it bothers you guys that much, then put him on ignore.