Originally Posted by Neapolitan
Ease up. You shouldn't judge a person unless walk a mile in his or her moccasins. Remember you're on the internet, you only know what he said, you know nothing about how they (WD or anyone else) felt saying it. You should learn to give people allowances and let them say what they want to say. Sometimes it comes down to they only want someone to lend an ear to hear what they have to say - make sense out of things. You start pegging them the way you think they are and attacking them for what you perceive them to be, then you are only tilting at windmills, and you get no where.
Nah, I just think it's pointless to whine about **** and act like people should care when all you're known for is whining about ****. It'd be different if he said "yeah, i'm going to change that by..." but all I see from WD every time he comes on the forum is complaining about something or whining about his so-called ****ty life or how life isn't fair or wah wah wah. He needs to grow up and learn how to fix things instead of worrying about them.